Jadwal Piala Dunia Lengkap 2018 Waktu Indonesia

14 Juni 2018
22.00 WIB Rusia vs Arab Saudi
15 Juni 2018
19.00 WIB Mesir vs Uruguay 
22.00 WIB Maroko vs Iran
16 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Portugal vs Spanyol 
17:00 WIB Prancis vs Australia 
20:00 WIB Argentina vs Islandia 
23:00 WIB Peru vs Denmark
17 Juni 2018
02:00 WIB Kroasia vs Nigeria 
19:00 WIB Kosta Rika vs Serbia 
22:00 WIB Jerman vs Meksiko
18 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Brasil vs Swiss 
19:00 WIB Swedia vs Korea Selatan 
22:00 WIB Belgia vs Panama
19 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Tunisia vs Inggris 
19:00 WIB Kolombia vs Jepang 
22:00 WIB Polandia vs Senegal
20 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Rusia vs Mesir 
19:00 WIB Portugal vs Maroko 
22:00 WIB Uruguay vs Arab Saudi
21 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Iran vs Spanyol 
19:00 WIB Denmark vs Australia 
22:00 WIB Prancis vs Peru
22 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Argentina vs Kroasia 
19:00 WIB Brasil vs Kosta Rika 
22:00 WIB Nigeria vs Islandia
23 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Serbia vs Swiss 
19:00 WIB Belgia vs Tunisia 
22:00 WIB Korea Selatan vs Meksiko
24 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Jerman vs Swedia 
19:00 WIB Inggris vs Panama 
22:00 WIB Jepang vs Senegal
25 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Polandia vs Kolombia 
21:00 WIB Uruguay vs Rusia 
21.00 WIB Arab Saudi vs Mesir
26 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Iran vs Portugal 
01:00 WIB Spanyol vs Maroko 
21:00 WIB Denmark vs Prancis 
21.00 WIB Australia vs Peru
27 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Nigeria vs Argentina 
01:00 WIB Islandia vs Kroasia 
21:00 WIB Korea Selatan vs Jerman 
21.00 WIB Meksiko vs Swedia
28 Juni 2018
01:00 WIB Serbia vs Brasil 
01:00 WIB Swiss vs Kosta Rika
21.00 WIB Jepang vs Polandia 
21.00 WIB Senegal vs Kolombia
29 Juni 2018
01.00 WIB Inggris vs Belgia 
01.00 WIB Panama vs Tunisia
Babak 16 Besar
30 Juni 2018
21.00 WIB 1GroupC vs 2GroupD
1 Juli 2018
01.00 WIB 1GroupA vs 2GroupB 
21.00 WIB 1GroupB vs 2GroupA
2 Juli 2018
01.00 WIB 1GroupD vs 2GroupC 
21.00 WIB 1GroupE vs 2GroupF
3 Juli 2018
01:00 WIB 1GroupG vs 2GroupH
21.00 WIB 1GroupF vs 2GroupE
4 Juli 2018
01:00 WIB 1GroupH vs 2GroupG
Perempat final
6 Juli 2018 
21:00 WIB 1A atau 2B vs 1C atau 2D
7 Juli 2018 
01:00 WIB 1E atau 2F vs 1G atau 2H
21.00 WIB 1F atau 2E vs 1H atau 2G
8 Juli 2018 
01.00 WIB 1B atau 2A vs 1D atau 2C
11 Juli 2018 
01.00 WIB Menang QF1 vs Menang QF2
12 Juli 2018 
01.00 WIB Menang QF3 vs Menang QF4
Perebutan Tempat Ketiga
14 Juli 2018 

21:00 WIB Kalah SF1 vs Kalah SF2
Final Piala Dunia 2018
15 Juli 2018 

22:00 WIB Menang SF1 vs Menang SF2

Tiga Pertimbangan Subjektif Kapolri Belum Tahan Ahok

Bareskrim Mabes Polri belum melakukan penahanan terhadap Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) pasca Gubernur DKI Jakarta nonaktif itu ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus dugaan penistaan agama.

Kapolri Jenderal Pol Tito Karnavian mengatakan, ‎penahanan terhadap tersangka merupakan kewenangan penyidik. Menurutnya, ada dua alasan penyidik sesuai KUHAP dalam melakukan penahanan, yakni objektif dan subjektif‎.

Dalam hal ini, Tito lebih memilih tiga unsur subjektif yang dimiliki penyidik. Pertama, adalah unsur bagaimana tersangka dikhawatirkan melarikan diri. Menurutnya, penyidik belum memiliki alasan kuat untuk menahan Ahok karena yang bersangkutan sejauh ini kooperatif.

"Tapi saya tidak ambil risiko, saya tambah cegah keluar negeri," ujar Tito saat memberikan sambutan pada Tabligh Akbar di kawasan Kwitang, Jakarta Pusat,‎ Minggu (20/11/2016).

Subjektivitas kedua adalah yang bersangkutan dikhawatirkan akan menghilangkan alat bukti. Dalam kasus ini, barang bukti berupa rekaman video di Kepulauan Seribu sudah disita penyidik. Bahkan, keaslian rekaman itu sudah diuji oleh tim forensik.

Sementara unsur yang ketiga adalah kekhawatiran tersangka mengulangi perbuatannya. "Kalau yang bersangkutan kami lihat belum ada upaya itu, kami belum lakukan penahanan," katanya.

Desakan agar Polri menahan Ahok disampaikan kelompok demonstran 4 November 2016. Mereka mendesak agar Bareskrim menahan Ahok pasca ditetapkan sebagai tersangka.

Sementara untuk mengawal proses hukum ini, sejumlah ormas Islam yang tergabung dalam Gerakan Nasional Pengawal Fatwa MUI akan kembali menggelar aksi demonstrasi pada 2 Desember 2016 mendatang.

Gempa Bumi Sumatera Munculkan Gelombang Air di Padang dan Australia

Gempa yang terjadi pada pukul 19.49 WIB itu berpusat di perairan sejauh 682 kilometer sebelah barat daya Kepulauan Mentawai, dengan kedalaman 10 kilometer. Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) menyebut gempa itu berpotensi menimbulkan tsunami yang bisa memapar Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Utara, Aceh, Bengkulu, dan Lampung.

Menurut Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho kepada HARIAN NASIONAL di Jakarta Tsunami terdeteksi di Pulau Cocos setinggi 10 cm pada pukul 21.15 WIB dan di Padang setinggi 5 cm pada pukul 21.40 WIB

Menurut dia, Posko BNPB telah menerima informasi dari BMKG bahwa peringatan dini tsunami yang disebabkan oleh gempa 7.8 SR, pada 2-3-2016 pukul 19:49:47 WIB, dinyatakan telah berakhir. BNPB menerima pencabutan peringatan tsunami pada 2-3-2016 pukul 22.34 Wib. Begitu juga, masyarakat dapat kembali ke rumah masing-masing dengan tenang.

Tidak perlu takut dan kondisi aman. Posko BNPB, kata Sutopo, kini dapat berkomunikasi dengan BPBD Mentawai menggunakan radio komunikasi. Dilaporkan kondisi masyarakat aman. Masyarakat telah berada di tempat-tempat yang aman.

Masyarakat di Sikakap, Pagai Selatan, Sipora, Siberut dan Kepulauan Mentawai lain dalam kondisi aman dan mengungsi di tempat yang tinggi.

Dia menjelaskan, di daerah-daerah di pulau dan sepanjang pantai Barat Sumatera seperti Nias Selatan, Nias, Simeuleu, Aceh Singkil, Aceh Barat, Muko-Muko, daerah di sepanjang Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Bengkulu dan Lampung dilaporkan aman. Tidak ada korban jiwa, kerusakan bangunan dan tsunami tidak terlihat di pantai.

BMKG Sumbar telah mencabut peringatan tsunami untuk 15 daerah sejak pukul 21.30 WIB. "Masyarakat di Kota Padang dan sebagian di pesisir barat Sumatera merespon peringatan tsunami dengan evakuasi di shelter tsunami," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya BNPB membangun beberapa shelter dan telah digunakan masyarakat evakuasi. Selain itu juga memanfaatkan atap masjid, gedung bertingkat, sekolah dan lainnya. Di beberapa tempat terjadi kepanikan, kemacetan lalu lintas karena banyak masyarakat yang membawa kendaraan bermotor.

Dengan dicabutnya peringatan tsunami maka masyarakat diminta kembali ke rumah dengan tertib. Tidak perlu takut. Yang penting selalu waspada dan mengikuti arahan aparat.

Where to Find Products That Last a Lifetime

Where to Find Products That Last a Lifetime
In a consumption economy, most people are looking for a good price, regardless of quality. But one young British entrepreneur is trying to help the environment and people's wallets with a website that researches and recommends products with lifetime guarantees.

Tara Button, 34, started BuyMeOnce.com in January. Within six weeks the site had more than 400,000 visitors, there to browse umbrellas, tools, cooking pots and even tweezers - all with quality guarantees from their manufacturers.

BuyMeOnce does not sell any products directly, but rather provides links to purchase items from the manufacturer or retail sites like Amazon. Button gets a fee for clicks only when she has signed a deal with the merchant.

"No one likes to feel ripped off," says Button, who had a job in advertising in London until last month. She got the idea for her site because she is frustrated that manufacturers keep downgrading the quality of their products.

"My aim is that if people start buying more durable things, companies will start making their products last longer," she says.

Reuters reached Button in Thailand, where she was visiting family, to talk about how she plans to stoke a durability revolution.

Q: How do you find products for your site?

A: It's really super easy to search by the cheapest thing. But looking for the most durable thing, that's going to take hours and going through the fine print of the guarantee information.

I do that for people, and I put stuff on the site that is best in show. At least it makes it a bit easier for people to think about those choices.

Q: People normally equate quality with high prices, but some items you feature are less than $20. How can they be good?

A: Making it durable doesn't mean it's expensive to make. The least expensive thing we have now may be the Tweezerman Tweezers ($12.08 via Amazon).

Some of the toys are also quite cheap. And lovely. Some are made in Thailand. They make a lot of rubber in Thailand, and the rubber trees get chopped down, so they use those by-products of the latex industry and turn them into rubber-wood toys, with non-toxic paints.

Q: Won't people be upset if they buy an $89 umbrella and then lose it on the bus?

A: If you buy an $89 umbrella - you remember it. That's the thing about buying slightly more expensive: If you know something is special, you take care of it.

Q: Your concept seems particularly ripe for wedding gifts.

A: Often the wedding is the beginning of the process of people setting up a home, and you want to invest in something that will last and that you will remember. My parents remember where every pot or bit of cutlery came from. They say, "Auntie Sue gave us this." And it's really nice.

I've had lots of requests to set up wedding registry. I hired an intern three days ago, and one of his first tasks is to set that up.

Q: Is there any category where no products live up to your standards?

A: Kettles is a classic example. I'm yet to find a kettle that I find happy putting on the site. We need our tea, and it's not good enough.

Appliances in general are the hardest category. I think that manufacturers are purposefully building their products not only to be less durable but also to be unfixable. So for example, the washing machines now are built in a certain way so that if something breaks, an engineer cannot access the part to fix it. They claim this is to make them more efficient. I'm sorry, I don't buy it. I find that really uncool.

Q: Do you have a favorite product?

A: The socks. When I found socks with a lifetime guarantee, that was a good day.

People treat socks as a throwaway. They get a pack of five, then they get holes. I like the idea of getting five Darn Tough socks and wearing them forever ($12.75 and up via Amazon).

Facebook Launches 'Reactions' Worldwide

Facebook said on Wednesday (24/02) that "Reactions", an extension of the "Like" button, has now been rolled out worldwide.

The social network launched a pilot of "Reactions" - which allows users to select from seven emotions including "Angry", "Sad" and "Wow" - in Ireland and Spain in October. In a video accompanying a blog post, the five new buttons appear as animated emoticons that pop up when the "Like" button is held down on mobile devices. The buttons appear on desktops when users hover over the "Like" button.

The "Yay" emoticon, which was present in the pilot launch, was not seen in Wednesday's video.

"We will initially use any Reaction similar to a Like to infer that you want to see more of that type of content," Facebook said in separate blog post.

The company said that over time it hoped to learn how different "Reactions" should be weighted differently by the Facebook News Feed to customize it for individual users. Facebook said "Reactions" would have the same impact on ad delivery as "likes".

Merdunya Alunan Lagu Zapin Melayu Lesti D'Academy

Lesti D'Academy meluncurkan lagu ciptaan pak Ngah, komposer dan arranger asal Malaysia bertajuk Zapin Melayu. Sesuai dengan judulnya, lagu ini bercerita tentang keindahan tarian zapin dengan ciri khas vokal yang sangat kuat dari Lesti.

Zapin merupakan tarian rumpun melayu. Kata Zapin berasal dari bahasa arab Zafin yang memiliki makna pergerakan kaki cepat mengikuti rentak pukulan. Begitu juga dengan lagu Lesti yang diracik dalam balutan nuansa melayu.

Dengan kualitas suara Lesti yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi, Pak Ngah sendiri berharap Lesti dapat menyampaikan keindahan sebuah tarian zapin, bagimana keindahan gerakannya, keindahan kostumnya, dan keindahan seni dari zapin melayu itu sendiri.

Malaysian Borneo's Air Quality Hits Hazardous Levels as Forest Fires Rage

Forest fires spread over 500 acres in the north of the Malaysian state of Sarawak in Borneo island have raised air pollution to hazardous levels on Monday (22/02) in areas close to the inferno, government data showed.

The fires have spurred an emergency response from the state fire and rescue department, which is at the same time scrambling to manage nearly 8,000 people displaced by floods in Sarawak's southern region as of Monday morning, according to the Bernama newswire.

Sensors located in the coastal town of Miri - which is closest to the fires - registered an air pollutant index reading of over 300 parts per million (ppm) as at 9 a.m., though it went down to 185 ppm as at 3 p.m., the data showed. Readings above 300 ppm are deemed a health hazard.

State Fire and Rescue Department director Nor Hisham Mohammad told Reuters that the situation in the north of Malaysia's largest state is "quite bad" and expects the fires to rage for a "minimum of one week".

Sarawak's forests are renowned for being home to eight out of the world's 54 species of hornbills, according to the Sarawak Forestry Corporation, and also to the Orang Utan in some regions of the Bornean state.

Nor Hisham said the fires are unlikely to have affected the local wildlife as their numbers would be small because most of the timber in the area was already harvested.

The fires, however, forced local authorities to evacuate 650 students from an industrial training center on Sunday, but classes have since resumed on Monday morning, Nor Hisham said.

Nor Hisham said a total of 50 personnel along with two helicopters and two excavators have been deployed and are working round the clock to contain the fires.

The fire and rescue department believes local hunters had started the fires, but are still investigating the matter.

Malaysian Meteorological Department senior officer Mohd Hisham Mohd Anip said the severity of the fires was caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon, which typically affects the northern region of Sarawak and the neighboring state of Sabah.

Forest fires have increased in frequency over the past few years in Sarawak, where there are large tracts of peat soil.

This year's forest fires, however, cover more than double the 200 acres in the same region scorched by forest fires in July last year.

LG G5 at Mobile World Congress 2016

LG G5 at Mobile World Congress 2016
During its Play Begins event at Mobile World Congress 2016, LG unveiled the LG G5. This is the phone LG hopes will take on Samsung’s Galaxy S7 and Apple’s iPhone 7. The G5 represents a massive shift in strategy for LG’s flagship smartphone. After the G2’s success, the South Korean company merely iterated with the G3 and the G4. The G5, meanwhile, is the successor to the G4 in name only.

Not only does the G5 finally switch to a metal body, but LG has chosen to go with a modular design, which it says allows you to transform your G5 into a “digital camera, hi-fi player, and more.”

LG revealed only two such modules:
  • CAM Plus: This camera can be attached through the battery slot to “deliver a comfortable grip and convenient control of a DSLR.” The LG CAM Plus offers auto focus, exposure lock, and provides physical buttons for power, shutter, record, and zoom. It also gives the G5 additional battery capacity of 1,200mAh.
  • Hi-Fi Plus with B&O Play: This portable Hi-Fi audio player developed in collaboration with B&O Play supports 32-bit, 384KHz high-definition audio playback. It can be used as a module with the LG G5 or even as a separate Hi-Fi digital audio chip (DAC) that connects to any smartphone or PC.
The LG G5 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage (expandable via microSD), a removable 2,800 mAh battery, and Android 6.0 Marshmallow. It has a 5.3-inch, 2560 x 1440 resolution (QHD) display at 554ppi.

Furthermore, the G5 has an always-on display so you can check the time, battery status, and your notifications without waking the phone. LG says the display’s backlight only illuminates one small part of the overall display, which translates into the always-on section draining only 0.8 percent of the phone’s battery every hour.

LG also unveiled “companion devices” for the G5, called LG Friends. The company today detailed six of these accessories, but, as with the modules, you can expect more in the pipeline:
  • 360 CAM: Connects to the LG G5 for shooting 360-degree content. It features two 13MP wide angle cameras, built-in 1,200mAh battery, 4GB of internal memory, a manual mode, 2K video, and 5.1 surround channel recording via three microphones. Images taken with the 360 CAM can be uploaded to Google Maps Street View and YouTube.
  • 360 VR: This virtual reality headset can be connected exclusively to the G5. The foldable goggles are meant for watching VR content on the go, and LG claims the accessory is “one-third as heavy as competing smartphone VR goggles.” Presumably, Google Cardboard is excluded from this claim, though the 360 VR is compatible with Cardboard content and 360-degree images and videos captured with the LG 360 CAM.
  • Rolling Bot: This is a ball camera. It rolls around, capturing images and videos with its embedded 8MP camera connectable via Wi-Fi. LG claims the Rolling Bot isn’t “just a toy” and “can be used as a security system for the home, pet care companion as well as a remote controller for compatible home appliances.”
  • Tone Platinum: A Bluetooth headset with “superior” sound quality (Harman Kardon Platinum grade). LG has deemed it “the world’s first Bluetooth headset equipped with aptX HD codec,” which means lossless 24-bit audio.
  • Smart Controller: Control drones, watch a drone’s video stream through the LG G5 in real time, and generally move other smart devices that LG has yet to reveal.
  • H3 by B&O Play: High-end earphones that deliver 32-bit sound. Unlike the other accessories, this one is compatible with all LG smartphones.

Selamat Tahun Baru ......

Banyak sekali harapan di setiap pergantian tahun yang ingin tercapai sebagai wujud dari semua mimpi, hanya berharap semoga kita dapat meraihnya dengan segala perjuangan. Diri sendirilah yang menentukan seberapa besar kebahagiaan yang akan dimiliki, namun raihlah tanpa menyakiti atau merugikan orang lain, karena semakin banyak kita memberi semakin banyak juga yang akan kita peroleh.... alangkah indahnya jika saling berbagi satu sama lain seperti sebuah potongan lirik:

"Sesungguhnya berkasihlah
Di antara manusia
Perindah segala kata-kata
Bahagia itu janjinya"
Good Luck & Happy New Year!

Sebarkan Produk Anda di Google Dan Raih Pengunjung Tertarget

Sebarkan Produk Anda di Google Dan Raih visitor
Anda punya produk atau layanan jasa yang saat ini dipromosikan secara online? tapi susah untuk mendapatkan pengunjung ke website atau tokok online anda? Sudah saatnya memanfaatkan jasa iklan dari Google yaitu Google Adwords.

Kenapa harus memilih pasang iklan di google Adwords? karena google adalah satu-satunya penyedia layanan iklan yang sangat profesional dan mendukung bagi siapa saja yang ingin mempromosikan produk lewat internet. Iklan anda akan ditampilkan di situs google dan juga ribuan situs penayang google yang sudah benar-benar diseleksi secara ketat untuk menayangkan iklan.

beriklan di google
Selain itu produk yang anda pasarkan PASTI akan dimuat di website atau blog yang sesuai dengan kata kunci yang anda targetkan. Contohnya anda punya produk baju, iklan anda nanti akan dimuat di web atau blog sejenis alias sama dengan produk anda, entah itu blog pakaian, situs fashion, mode dan sebagainya.

Lupakan jasa pasang iklan gratis seperti iklan baris yang banyak beredar di Internet, karena itu hanya akan buang-buang waktu anda saja. Optimalkan promosi melalui jejaring sosial yang sudah terhubung dengan toko online anda, lalu segera sebarkan toko online anda di google adword.

Apa kelebihan pasang iklan di google Adwords

Kelebihan pertama dan yang paling utama adalah biaya iklan yang terjangkau. Dibandingkan dengan menayangkan iklan di media cetak, menayangkan iklan di Google Adwords jauh lebih murah. Para ahli periklanan Google AdWords dapat membuat iklan yang sukses dan atraktif dalam waktu singkat dengan memperhatikan target pasar dan kualitas iklan, sehingga dapat mengontrol pengeluaran iklan namun tetap menjaga keunggulan dalam kompetisi bisnis.

Kelebihan lainnya, dengan beriklan di Google AdWords, informasi mengenai produk dan layanan Anda bisa diketahui oleh orang dari seluruh dunia. Namun demikian, Anda harus paham mengenai persaingan pasar dan analisa web yang baik, dan pemilihan kata kunci yang tepat.

Selain itu, iklan di Google AdWords bisa disunting kemudian hari setelah ditayangkan untuk menyesuaikan efektivitasnya terhadap peningkatan penjualan. Hal ini berbeda dari iklan di media cetak yang tidak akan bisa diubah jika iklan sudah ditayangkan.

Bagaimana cara pasang iklan di Google? Silahkan klik disini!